A tender, juicy and flavorful grilled chicken is to be eaten with applause. And, to help you, we've separated some super easy tips that will surprise friends and family. Check out!
segunda, 01 de agosto de 2022

A tender, juicy and flavorful grilled chicken is to be eaten with applause. And, to help you, we've separated some super easy tips that will surprise friends and family. Check out!
- Let the chicken thaw naturally. You can let it thaw in the fridge, avoiding the “thermal shock” that can contract the fibers, making it hard.
- Use a variety of seasonings in addition to salt to add depth to the flavor. You can use everything: yogurt, Worcestershire sauce, fine herbs, tomato sauce…
- Let marinate for a few minutes for the meat to absorb the flavors.
- Do not cut too thin, as the meat may become dry or burn. Try cutting the chicken about two inches high.
- Do not put multiple steaks in the pan. Add one or two at a time to control both the time and temperature.
Now let's teach the master grilling:
- Heat the pan over very high heat.
- Add oil or butter until it covers the bottom of the pan.
- Add the meat and reduce to medium heat. Let it brown for 1 minute without stirring.
- Turn the fillets, cover the pan and let it cook for 10 minutes on low heat.
- The perfect grilled dish is ready that will make everyone's mouth water!